The link, has a copy of the attached as well as other documents applicants will need.    Also, if you know of anyone who hasn’t received a copy of the NOFO and the link to application from the PSC (in May 25 All Operators email) or from PHMSA (on May 24 to official city contacts)…. please feel free to have them contact me, or send me their email and I’ll forward to them.

  • Question 1 – see attached, Section B.3, Type of Award.
  • Question 2 – see attached, Section E, Application Review Information
  • Question 3 – Not sure if asking about applicant eligibility, project eligibility or other…. see attached, Section C, Eligibility Information if asking who is eligible to apply.  Also, the last 9 pages of the attached are PHMSA’s draft Evaluation Plan, which provides information on how PHMSA will review, rate and score applications.
  • Question 4 – see attached, Section E.4, Anticipated Announcement and Federal Award Dates
  • Question 5 – see attached, Section G, Federal Awarding Agency Contacts

Related –Section D.2, “Content and Form of Application Submission” lists and describes the information that will need to be provided with the application.